Enter the records shown in Figure 2-49 in the Member table. Add a new field named DateJoined (data type: Date/Time format: Short Date Caption: Date Joined) between the Phone and Expiration fields.8. Delete the CountryRegion field from the Member table structure.f. ZIPPostal field: Change the name of this field to Zip, change the field size to 10, and delete the entry for the caption.e. StateProvince field: Change the name of this field to State, change the field size to 2, delete the entry for the caption, and enter CO for the default value.d. City field: Change the field size to 25 and delete the entry for the caption.c. Address field: Change the name of this field to Street, change the field size to 40, and delete the entry for the caption.b. Switch to Design view, and then make the following changes to the Member table design:a. Use the Address Quick Start selection in the Data Type gallery to add five fields between the LastName and Phone fields.7. Specify MemberID as the primary key, and then save the table as Member.6. Create a new table in Design view, using the table design shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 Design for the Member table5. Click the Yes button when a message appears indicating some data might be lost.4. FeeWaived: Enter Fee Waived for the caption.3. PlanCost: Change the format to Standard, specify 0 decimal places, and enter Plan Cost for the caption.d. PlanDescription: Change the field size to 40 and enter Plan Description for the caption.c. PlanID: Enter Primary key for the description, change the field size to 3, and enter Plan ID for the caption.b.
Open the Plan table in Design view, and change the following field properties:a. Open the Gopher database you created in Tutorial 1.2. He asks you to help maintain this database.
from Tutorial 1) and Customers.txtGoGopher! Amol Mehta wants to use the Gopher database to track information about members who join his online business, which provides a variety of services on a subscription basis, and the plans in which members are enrolled. By New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013 (1st Edition) Edit edition Solutions for Chapter AT2 Problem 1CP: Data Files needed for this Case Problem: Gopher.accdb (cont.